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Havanese Dog

havanese dog

Gilbert is twice a grief gift. What’s a grief gift? Her story begins like this.

In 1997, Pat Hammond took an early retirement from her job as a surgical nurse and left her Kentucky home to follow NarroWay directors, Rebecca Martin and Yvonne “Birdie” Clark. She felt a calling to help the directors establish the beginning of NarroWay Productions. And that she did!

Miss Pat, as she became known, solicited help from her two lifelong friends and roommates, Hilda Payne and Laddie Gilbert. This industrious artistic trio painted, feathered angel wings, made costumes, ran the gift shop and concessions and even fed the multitude of cast members after longs days of rehearsals.

When Hilda passed away, Laddie Gilbert left her Kentucky home and moved to South Carolina to rejoin her old friend, Pat. These two best buddies were NarroWay’s greatest fans. Their spiritual and physical support were a constant encouragement. In 2012 Laddie Gilbert became very ill and Pat became not only her best friend but also her caregiver. When Laddie passed away in August Pat was devastated and left alone.

So, when Pat’s birthday rolled around in March, Rebecca and Birdie surprised her with a furry, adorable new roommate who they named “Gilbert.”

Gilbert is a sweet and glamorous black and white Havanese, who gives the appearance of a button-eyed, favorite stuffed toy. She was born on September 24, 2012. Gilbert quickly became Miss Pat’s bosom buddy and constant source of entertainment.

Seven years later, in November 2020, Miss Pat needed surgery which should have been no issue. However, complications required a quick repeat surgery and to everyone’s anguish, Miss Pat did not survive this second surgery.

With broken hearts, Rebecca and Birdie went to Miss Pat’s house. Gilbert was at the window, steadfastly watching for her beloved Pat to come home. Instead, Rebecca picked her up along with her favorite blanket and took her to her new home.

Gilbert again became a source of comfort, this time to all who loved Miss Pat as Gilbert was adopted into her big NarroWay family.

Up until that point Gilbert had lived a sedentary life but things changed dramatically for the furball. Suddenly her life became filled with activity as she came to work daily, performed in NarroWay shows, and (along with Jehu, her new basset brother) sounded her high-pitched alarm every time she saw her favorite NarroWay people.

All went well until January 2022. Gilbert suddenly became ill. Rushed to an animal emergency care facility she was diagnosed with a deadly auto-immune disease called IMHA; in which her antibodies attacked her blood supply. Over the next several days she required emergency medical attention and three blood transfusions. Multiple chemo-therapy medications seemed to have no effect and this lifeless bundle of fur was sent home with no medical hope.

Though advised to “do the merciful thing” and let Gilbert die, the directors and all who loved her continued to pray. But they also refused to give up. Researching the medications and treatments, the directors found one veterinarian who shared their glimmer of hope and they began meticulously treating Gilbert at home and at work. In only a short time this little survivor was sassy and bossing the whole world again.

Currently Gilbert stars as the emperor’s dog in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” You will also see her on stage in act 1 of “The Real Christmas Story.” Otherwise, she is at the theatre every day and every show, where she is being cuddled and loved behind the scenes.

See Gilbert on Stage in these NarroWay Shows: