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Nubian Goat Mix

nubian mix goat

Knight is our “miracle goat!” He was born January 4, 2011, but tragedy struck just three days later when he placed his little head between his stall slats to curiously look at another goat and was head-banged.

Knight was left blind and deaf. He couldn’t walk or eat, and was rejected by his mother. He was barely alive. Our caring veterinarian treated him but gave the tiny fella little hope of survival. It was a cold night, even inside the barn. So, our Theatre Manager, Lora McCoy, packed up the newborn and slipped him inside her house so he wouldn’t be alone.

She held him through the night and prayed while nursing him with an eyedropper. Against all odds, he was still breathing the next morning. It was Sunday, so Lora took him to church and kept him in the car, where she could tend to him.

On Monday, in addition to veterinarian care, we reached out to a chiropractor who had tremendous success with an animal in a previous situation. As the chiropractor worked on Knight, we saw a glimmer of hope.

Weeks of constant care passed. Finally, the hint of hope grew into an expectation of life. We continued administering IVs from the vet, visiting the chiropractor, and feeding him with the eyedropper. Finally, he was able to suck a bottle. He regained his hearing. He was still blind but became more alert. He grew steadier on his feet.

Over the next 3 months, Knight gained strength and came off the IVs. We kept him in the staff office, instead of the barn, and took him home at night. With his blindness, he was too helpless to be with the other animals. The directors, staff and cast all loved and cuddled him.

One day, Rebecca, our director, walked in the office while Knight was being fed. When she walked by she saw something we had never seen. “He just followed me with his eyes!” she exclaimed. Sure enough, he had. Knight gained back his sight!

Within a few weeks, healthy and strong, Knight was introduced back into the herd and gradually found his place in the barn.

Currently, Knight is the largest, toughest goat to ever perform on the NarroWay stage! He is the only animal in the herd who was born at NarroWay. His mother, Hannah, was a comedic NarroWay star for 10 years.

Knight loves people and being scratched behind his horns. He is a “helper” on the barn lot. He likes to grab tools, investigate carts, and chew the gloves he pulls from your pockets. He is terrible at posing for selfies because he much prefers chewing the phone.

Knight’s best buddy is Blue, the horse. You will often find them standing side by side, like two old friends sitting on the front porch. Their stalls are adjacent. Knight stands on his hind legs to see what’s happening on Blue’s side of the rail. He prefers licking Blue’s mineral block (even though his is identical) and never minds sharing hay when Blue hovers over into Knight’s stall for an extra bite.

Knight is on stage for all biblical shows as well as “The Gospel According to Tennessee.”

What Your Sponsorship
Does for Knight

When you sponsor Knight, you help provide essential care as well as props and costumes she uses on stage. Below are a few of things your sponsorship provides:

  • Goat feed
  • Minerals
  • Vet care

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See Knight on Stage in these NarroWay Shows: